What are the benefits of relaxation ?
Awareness and knowledge of your body
Better focus
Relaxation of the body and the psyche
Find meaning in your life
Reduced tension
Calming and relaxation
Reduction of stress and anxiety
Sleep problems, insomnia
Post-traumatic stress
Support for illness, disability or chronic pain
Prevention of functional disorders
Asthma, multiple sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, headaches, migraines, digestive problems,
fatigue, skin problems, cystitis...
Learning and memory problem
Preparing for an exam or interview
Contraindications: chest pain, Parkinson's disease, untreated epilepsies, sleep apnea.
Gérer votre stress
et vos émotions
vous apaiser
écouter et relâcher
votre corps pour apaiser votre mental
Vous préparer à
un entretien
un événement
une situation complexe
une reconversion
Retrouver votre confiance
développer votre
pouvoir personnel
affirmer vos valeurs
Vous soutenir
dans le vécu
de votre maladie
de votre handicap ou
de vos douleurs
Développez vos capacités relationnelles
au niveau personnel ou professionnel
Vous remettre
d'une situation difficile d'une rupture
d'un deuil
d'un burn-out
What is relaxation?
Relaxation allows the body to relax and release its tensions.
More precisely, it acts on the tone and on the emotional state .
Tonus is a slight contraction of the muscle at rest (it allows us to stand for example). Tone is directly related to our thoughts and emotions. The more we relax our body, the more our thoughts and our mind become calm.
Relaxation will allow an in-depth relaxation of our whole body schema, from the emotional sphere to the psycho-affective sphere. Relaxation methods take into account our body in motion and our body in relation to our environment.
Depending on the context, relaxation can be educational, re-educational, or in a care relationship: therapeutic .
What methods do I suggest?
The indication of the techniques depends on your singularity and your objectives.
Dynamic relaxation: psychomotor relaxation, ludic sophrology, Caycedian sophrology, contribution of yoga.
Neuromuscular relaxation.
Autogenic training.
Relaxation through touch and mobilization of the body.
Psychosensory relaxation
body awareness
Meditation and mindfulness practice (MBSR)
breathing exercises
Relaxation dynamique
Relaxation psychomotrice
Sophrologie Caycédienne
Sophrologie ludique
par le toucher et mobilisation
Relaxation neuro-musculaire
Training autogène
Pratique de la médiation de pleine conscience MBSR